Friday, May 29, 2009

Eden 08

Couldn't focus on the storyline cause my eyes were too busy bleeding from the bad editing. There was even a line w/o punctuation near the end.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Ristorante Paradiso 06

This week it's about a couple where the guy is a playboy and the girl fakes going out w/ Gigi to get him to realize what he's about to lose. They re-fall in love. The end.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Haruhi S2 airing now

Episode 8 of the re-airing of Haruhi turns out to be the next chapter in the manga after the last episode of s1. Enjoy your new content waitingfags.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

m33w qaurity never fails to disappoint

Looks like someone forgot to tack on a {\fscx100} tag to the end of their em dash. Blogging on today's fma and basquash! in the morning.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Inuyasha and Code Geass - Eden of the East 05

Cigar dick-snippers, Inuyasha cameos (the guy's a faggot.), NEET saviors, and accidental geassing in this episode.

A new selecao appears, who looks to be yandere. Saki turns her bff into a fag. Akira learns what happened to his NEET farm and accidentally juizzes the prime minister of japan to say "Uncle". And p. sure Akira's picking up a messiah complex.

Ristorante Paradiso 04

Shitsux. Flashback episode to 20 years ago, Olga's sick, Lorenzo wants her happy, so he opens a restaurant with guy meganekkos, and the rest is history. Sucks having to wait 2 weeks for an episode where Nicoletta still hasn't slept w/ Claudio.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood 05

Scar comes and blows a hole in Alphonse and destroys Edward's right(?) arm. Roy tries to fight in the rain and fails like usual. Don't think there's much deviation from the original Fullmetal Alchemist series this time around. Shitty pic taken from HorribleRaws.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Stealing: The New Word for "Competition"

Over in #translators on irchighway

[01:22.31] [+Yuuko-san] he stole our prj
[01:22.34] [golsho] Yuuko-san, stop fooling around, it's annoying
[01:22.36] [+Yuuko-san] while we were doing it
[01:22.38] [twilightnoir] how the fuck do you steal a project
[01:22.45] [twilightnoir] that's not stealing
[01:22.49] [twilightnoir] that's called competing
[01:22.52] [jaka] urgh
[01:22.53] [+Yuuko-san] that is
[01:22.57] [jaka] what the fuck
[01:22.59] [jaka] is going on
[01:23.00] [jaka] i don't eve4n
[01:23.06] [twilightnoir] CAPITALISM, BITCHES
[01:23.33] [ed|sleep] [twilightnoir] CAPITALISM, BITCHES <--- it's worked so well for the americans

Yeah, so it's pretty clear what's going on here. Jaka's subbing K-on and this guy seems to think it's illegal for coalguys to sub it, but it's mo OK desu for Frostii and Chihiro to sub it. This Ed guy seemed kind of cool, but then he turned into a total jackass about 2 minutes later who uses the word "cock-sucking fanboi" in every sentence. I wonder what's on his mind? Oh, and he threatened us with ddos, which is kind of ironic since it's on irchighway, where more ddos than chat actually happens.

Edit: Yuuko-san is actually a cool girl, just something was lost in translation. Edward- has proven to be more of a dick than ever, he's drops by #coalguys and belts some big words out.

[Edward-] and the next time you guys decide you want to start a war against scanlation... pick another channel
[Edward-] and the next time you try that shit in front of me your group will cease to exist.
[Edward-] that's all
[Edward-] try me
* Edward- ( has left #coalguys

While Yuuko-san is too busy being cool in a pm, mr. internet tough guy is out for blood. So I rejoin #translators over on highway and call him out. Cause obviously, he can't possibly have the internet firepower required to take coalguys down, can he?

[10:27.30] [twilightNoir] i wanna see you try to make this shit happen: and the next time you try that shit in front of me your group will cease to exist.
[10:27.34] [twilightNoir] do it
[10:27.42] [Edward-] hmm I said what I had to say. I won't discuss it here.
[10:27.48] [Edward-] keep pushing me
[10:27.55] [twilightNoir] you have till the beginning of june to shut us down
[10:28.04] [Edward-] after my exams
[10:28.07] [Edward-] mid june

In Exhibit A, we can see the internet tough guy in his natural habitat. All talk. He really needs to put his money where his mouth is. He's threatened to "unleash" script kiddies like they're his personal army and to cause CoalGuys to "cease to exist". Which is when I noticed that his host's tld is .gy, which means he's some latino... or on a rarer note, Domon Kasshu! The King of Hearts! CoalGuys beware, he's gonna shining finger us out of existence! (In mid-june, lololol.)

More edit: He commented some stuff on this post mentioning how he "was only joking" and "only did it to get me banned from #translators". Yeah ok, I parted translators like what, 12 hours ago, never to show up again, but mr. edward- decides to join coalguys and spew some threats about 3 hours ago. You really wanted me to rejoin just to see me banned? Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. My point is proven that he's just another faggot out talking shit. And I smell someone butthurt that they got their post deleted on a 4-day-old blog. Lol.

Today's Big Thing

Saw these links in an IRC channel and thought they were p. amusing.
Annoying Song Medley w/ a hot blonde chick
$2.00 hugs get you paid.
Slap Chop remix (Starring the dude from the ShamWow commercial. The dude with the ridiculous microphone headset. You know the one.)

Edit: Found some lulz on him bustin' up a 'ho here.

Crunchyroll/Mushi to outsource to fansubbers through contest

So Mushi Productions wants one of their projects translated into English, but they don't have the resources. So they're grabbing some dusty old relics (see: original Astro Boy script on the left) out of their warehouse and are gonna pawn them off to the best fansubber/fansubbing group that volunteers to enter the contest. This reminds me of Ron Paul's plan to fend off pirates. Except the winner gets COLD HARD CASH instead of TRASH. Seriously, with the speed of fansubbers these days, the company should be offering "some sort of pre-release incentive, or mass amounts of anime, such as a complete archive of all the company's series in BD format."

Relevant Links:
AnimeSuki Forum Discussion
Crunchy Roll Forum Discussion

Friday, May 1, 2009

Seal Pinatas

As a couple of you might have seen, I made a seal pinata script last night.

It triggers on !loli++ only and spills 1000 lolis to random individuals. The amount grabbed is completely random and the next person will grab a random amount and so on until all 1000 are used up.

Logististics to date:

Seals: 1% chance to get 1-5 seals.
Lions: 1% chance to get 1 lion.
Seal Pinata: 2% chance to get a pinata.
This all happens on a single roulette, so technically, you have a 4% chance to get a special prize.

ASR's Spice & Wolf OVA

Lol, this is not the version of s&w to get. Aside from the shitty walls of text, there's awful grammar and stuff. "Sheppards" where it should've been "Shepherds", "intesive purposes" where it should've been "intents and purposes". Probably the most annoying subs ever seen. Wait for BSS and their -1 editors, imo.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Chihiro > Ayako (according to boxtorrents)

Saw this on BoxTorrent's offer page. Had a nice lol. Even if Ayako's not that great, they aren't worse than Chihiro. Period.

K-on! 05

This week, I guest edited for CoalGuys cause their current editor is a.f.k. or something. It's pretty humorous, with teeth picking, blackmailing, and crushing Yui's hopes and dreams. The resolved conflict this episode is their inability to sign up for stage time due to not being a club and the group can't become a club without an advisor. Who will they nab? You'll just have to watch and see.